HEY EVERYONE! I'm not dead. :D Or raptured. I know I didn't post on Sunday, so you were probably worried. But no, no I'm still here, sitting on my couch, same as I always am when I make zer posties. Except when I'm not on my couch.
Anyway, school is done, so hooray for that. Took my last final yesterday afternoon and then went out with some friends from my program to enjoy our newfound freedom. The psych final was absolutely brutal, which was kid of unexpected actually, but hopefully I managed to pull it out and get a B in the class. I'm trying not to think about it too much because otherwise I just dwell and stress out. When the grades are posted, they're posted, and I can go from there.
In either case, I have basically two weeks off between now and when I'm back in classes. I have big plans . . . not. Getting some writing done, filling out my FAFSA form (everyone's favorite fun activity!), cleaning up the apartment, relaxing, all that kind of thing. Laying by the pool and getting tanned up also factors in. I've got a couple books I want to start/have started reading: 'Treasure Island' (so sue me, I never read it - it's really good though, I'm enjoying it thoroughly), and then there's the books on my Amazon wishlist. In no particular order, these are: 'Beyond AI: Creating the Conscience of the Machine' and 'The Most Human Human: What Talking with Computers Teaches Us About What it Means to be Alive'. These are related to an upcoming project that I'm working on. Well, more accurately, that I started working on, realized I was vastly under-informed about, and decided to shelf it until I could get comfortable and up to speed on it.
In either case, keep an eye out for the book reviews. I think I'm going to try to make it a regular feature on this blog - Sam Starbuck is a self-published author and blogger that I have been following for years, and I have always enjoyed how he reviews the books he reads. Not only does it give you a peek into what he's working on, it also references people to books that are good and fun but that don't always necessarily hit the NY Times bestseller list. Not that I have a tremendous readership like he does, but hey, for the three of you that read regularly, maybe you'll find something interesting. And it always helps me, too, to keep up with what I've read and what I haven't, rather than trying to remember everything.
So yes, otherwise I have two relaxing weeks. I'm very much looking forward to it. :) Yayyyy.
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