I've returned from the wilds of Gettysburg, alive and well! The horse show went great. I braided some horses (poorly at first, but sweet Lord thankfully it got better), drank some beer and wine, ate some delicious food, watched a bunch of horses, and had a fabulous time overall. My mother rode the wonderful Miss Lola in the pre-adult hunters and did so very admirably. I was super proud of both of them - Lola turned on her little hunter mode, and mom mostly stayed out of her way and let her get along with it. They ended up being Reserve Champion after getting a second place in one jumping class, and eighth in another, and a first place in the hack. Much cheering was had, and then we all had a beer lol.
On a related note, I am currently typing this from pediatrics class and some people need to SHUT THE HELL UP. I hate ass-kissers. No one thinks you're funny, including the professor, and when you walk in 20 minutes late and then laugh super-loudly at everything the professor says that might be even vaguely misconstrued as a joke, you're just stupid and annoying. Which, I mean, let's be honest, they're probably that way at least 98% of their lives, so maybe it's just force of habit.
On the book-reading front, I'm slowly and steadily making my way through The Most Human Human. It's incredibly fascinating and I'm super cranky that I don't have more time to read it because I'm very much enjoying it. It's not exactly what I expected, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. It's been a long time since I've read a book that's not a story, and while this is a story of sorts - the author's story as he strives to earn that coveted Human title - the science and history that he's exploring are really, really cool to read about. I should stop talking, because eventually I'm going to write a review of this book, but I am very enthusiastic about it. Obviously. After I finish that, though, I'm debating what to read next. I'm thinking In Stitches by Anthony Youn; I have that, plus two more books on AI (Beyond AI: Creating the Conscience of the Machine, and On Intelligence by Sandra Blakeslee), and A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking to choose from. The AI books and Hawking's book are not super-heavy reads, but I think I might take a little break and read something lighter for a round.
Of course, there is the beach vacation I'm taking in August which will, I'm sure, include a lot of reading. So maybe I shouldn't get too worked up over what to read next, since I'll probably get the chance to read a few books while I'm there. But right now I'm leaning toward the light medical read.
So still in class, and homegirl Gina just walked in with a birthday cake for Liz and our mutual sister-figure Annie. Oh Gina lol.
Anyway, rambly blog post ending time? I went to the horse show, it was fun, I'm reading books, posting from class, generally being cool.
OH. And I have a Twitter now. Check it out, it's pretty baller: I'm gonna make social networking my bitch.
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