It's a map, of sorts, without all the messy lines.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Oh lawds.

I may or may not have used this post title before, and I'm okay with that.

Anyway, I have been a HUGE slacker with the whole blogging thing recently, but not for a bad reason! See, because the accelerated nursing program is retarded, we go to class during the summer. So right now, I'm in class. Well, not at this moment, since it's Saturday morning (although I wouldn't put it past them!), but you get the idea.

It's wrapping up, though. I've finished up with clinical, and boy that is a blessing. Strangely, though, it wasn't bad. I actually kind of enjoyed it. They say med-surg is the hardest, and the one everyone enjoys the least, but I don't know, it didn't seem so bad. I wouldn't mind working med-surg for a couple of years, until I can get into critical care or something before I go back to school, is all I'm saying. But that's a long way off - hopefully years. I don't think I could go right back to school right now.


And the l33t-sp34k in the above lends me on to my next point: I AM NOW OBSESSED (full-out, no holds barred, no arguments) WITH HOMESTUCK. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, here is the link. It . . . takes a while to get into. The discussion of captchalogs and sylladexes is kind of trying at first, it really is, but once you push through that the whole story sort of grabs you and pulls you along.

I got it on my third try. The first try I really wanted to like it, I really did, but I got so bogged down in the technicalities early on that I couldn't do it. The second try, I got a little further, but it was so ridiculous (Betty Crocker the batterwitch aside) that I couldn't keep up. The seed, however, was planted - I wanted to know more. I honestly did mean to go back to it.

Months passed. And then, as I was browsing DeviantArt (don't judge me), I ran across this picture, which was just a delightful blend of Discworld and Homestuck. And the guy in black intrigued me. You don't know me if you don't know I have a soft spot for misanthropic, sometimes psychotic skinny guys in black (Lord Vetinari, Sirius Black, Voldemort, Spades Slick, Crowley in Good Omens, Crowley in Supernatural, Famine in Good Omens, Pocket, oh the list goes on . . .), and my interest was piqued. So I looked around at more pictures of Spades and found that not ONLY was he a skinny psycho in black, he's a skinny psychotic ALIEN with one eye and A ROBOT ARM in black! With an unrequited/masochistic love interest and he plays piano too!

I had to know more.

So I started reading Homestuck again, with the singular goal of getting to the intermission so I could welcome the pointy, stabby joy of Spades into my life. And I made it there. And then I had to learn more about the trolls, because I'd been listening to the soundtracks and I sort of knew about them. Plus at that point I was pretty much really interested in Rose and John and Dave and Jade, and how they were going to get out of the game and . . .

And then I was hooked.

So long story short, I read Homestuck, I'm hooked and they've earned another fan out of the faceless internet masses. It's very fun for me to see an internet comic finally pull off a coherent story - prior to this my internet comic reading consisted of Cyanide&Happiness, Looking for Group, the occasional foray into Least I Could Do (which, honestly, if it weren't for the art I wouldn't be half-interested - I hate Sohmer as a writer with a weird passion), and Penny Arcade. Of those, LFG is the only one with a coherent beginning-to-end storyline, and Sohmer is writing it.

So it's pretty terrible. But again, the art and, oh, another skinny undead psycho in black. Richard. <3

I think I have a problem.

Anyhow, I really do love how Homestuck uses the medium, and the animation style has really grown on me. I'm reading through (I'm almost to July 2010), and really enjoying it. Soon, I think, I'll catch up and then sadness will reign, 'cause I'll just have to wait around for another update. :( But until then . . . :D!

And this has been your weird internet-comic-centered post for the day. Adios, amigos.

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