It's a map, of sorts, without all the messy lines.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Week is Death

I lived! And I didn't even fail either of my exams or miss turning in my papers! Very exciting - definitely a highlight of my life. And by that I mean, I'm really happy that I managed it hahahaha.

Anyway the weather is beautiful here so I'm hanging out on the couch with the door open, enjoying the outside. I'm simultaneously watching Ghost Hunters, though, so it's not like I'm totally one with nature. Let's not get too outdoorsy.

Writing has been on hold for about a week; since I finished that book. Still have no working title aside from 'Beatrice' which is the name of the main character. Obviously that won't work long-term. I have kicked a few around, but so far nothing is working for me. I started reading back through; I totally axed the whole prologue and am working my way through chapter 1. I hate editing but I want to do it right, so I'm taking my time. I anticipate I'll be done in, oh, a month, two at the outside. I want to leave out some things; I already have a good idea of what's definitely going and what's staying. I also want to move some stuff up a little bit and flesh some things out more. The scope of the story takes place over such a long period of time - it's not something I'm used to doing, so that is a stretch for me, too.

Basically, the whole thing consists of things I'm not comfortable with, don't write about a lot, and need to work on LOL! Even if it takes me forever, though, I want to polish this up and get it out there. It'll make me better as a writer, anyway.

In the meanwhile, I started another book today. Robots, as I mentioned, and based on the short story I wrote in high school. It's WAY more inside my comfort zone - male lead, bumbling, hopeless romantic, mostly humorous content. Considering that, it should be much faster to get from beginning to end. Plus it takes place over very little time; international conspiracy bust, you know how it is. I mean, it is going to have to take some time, but the last one started in September and ends in April - seven months, one scientific accident culminating in super powers, a necromancer, a demon possession and zombies all crammed in to, oh, ideally 105,000 words. It's a lot. This next one will be much simpler, I've vowed.

The problem with Bea's story, of course, is that I'm setting her up to be a character that I can write more stories about. There's a lot of world-building to be done. Not that there isn't with the new one - it's 200 years in the future and there's a lot of technology - but it's much easier to write about technology changes than explain wizards, demons, angels, etc. Especially when you're not expecting to establish a solid canon.

With that said, I do need to worry less about that kind of thing and just make sure the story is well-told.

In non-writing news that is pretty mundane yet nevertheless exciting, I will be giving my two weeks notice at my job. I have another job lined up for the summer (hopefully) and I'd rather not be obligated to work during finals week. It's sad, because . . . Okay, it's not that sad, because I never really liked doing the job itself, mostly just the talking to people part, BUT NEVERTHELESS. I will miss the paycheck. Oh well, we're all starving college students at one point or another. Chalk it up to life experience.

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