It's a map, of sorts, without all the messy lines.

Monday, April 25, 2011

You think it's over?

Ah yes, another Easter come and gone. I do like spending Easter with the family, but it wears me out. Still, it was fun.

The story is off to its first editor - my mother. No word from her yet, and believe you me I am anxiously awaiting it.

The problem is I feel like I can't work on anything yet. I don't want to fuss with the robot story quite yet because there's still a LOT of research to be done, and I hate to re-write because I was stupid the first time around. Which leaves me to moving on to the sequel for what I just wrote, but that too is problematic. What if I change something big in the next line of edits? If I write out an entire character, story arc, whatever? It troubles me. Of course, if I were following my own advice I'd be happily key-mashing away with a very "worry about it later" philosophy. Which, I guess, I could do - it's not like there's anything preventing me from doing that except my own stupid mental hang-ups.

I'm still stressing about marketing and self-publishing. It's very distracting. I have pretty much settled on self-publishing, but then there's the question of how to market, which outlet to go with, etc. I like Lulu a lot, but Createspace has the whole Amazon thing. But then Amazon can be kind of shady so . . . Urgh. I will thinking about it more when the time gets closer.

Anyway, on a totally unrelated-to-writing note, Thursday marks the beginning of the most holy of my annual pilgrimages - Rolex 3-day Event in Kentucky! I would like to announce that I will be blogging as much of Rolex as possible, come Hell or high water. I am driving down on Thursday, so I won't get to catch any of the action then, but Friday, Saturday and Sunday will all be spent totally at the event. We will also be doing our usual food tour of Lexington (ie: pigging out shamelessly) so I am thinking I might talk about that as well. Whatever - it should be good times for all! Very excited.

Now, if I can just survive this psych test I have at noon, we should all be peachy. :)

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